• Forest Fest Radoboj

    June 14 - 16, 2024


2024 Sponsors


This year's 2nd Croatian Congress on Forest Therapy: Krka National Park / Šibenik, September 22 and 23, 2023. will be a meeting place for scientists from all over the world who will share, the newest findings of the effectiveness of Forest Medicine and Forest Therapy according to the settings of evidence-based medicine not only within the scientific and academic community but also with interested participants and the general public, the results of the latest scientific research conducted both in the Eastern and in the Western part od Academic Globe.

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2023 Welcome videos


Organizational Board

Jasna Vukas M.Sc. - President
Patrik Ciglenečki
Darko Vukelić M.Sc.

Scientific Board (alphabetic order)

Assoc. prof. Aleksandar Racz Ph.D., M.D. co - president
Prof. Krešimir Rotim Ph.D., M.D. co – president
Dijana Vuletić, Ph.D., co - president
Prof. Lorena Bašan, Ph.D.
Darija Cvikl, Ph.D.
Jadranka Roša, Ph.D.
Assoc. prof. Vanja Vasiljev, Ph.D.

Honorary Scientific Board (alph. order)

Amos Clifford (USA)
Prof. Won Sop Shin, Ph.D. (Republic Korea)
Assoc. prof. Laura Secco, Ph.D. (EU, Italy)
Prof. Qing Li, Ph.D, M.D. (Japan)

2023 keynote speakers

Clinical Professor of Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan
President of the Japanese Society of Forest Medicine

The new concept of Forest Medicine and Forest Therapy

Prof. Qing Li, Ph.D, M.D

Chungbuck National University of Forest Science, Korea:

The current association and future of forest therapy practice and research in Korea

Prof. Won Sop Shin, Ph.D.

Croatian Forest Research Institute, Jastrebarsko, Croatia:

Recognition, assessment and management of forest ecosystem services

Dijana Vuletić, Ph.D

Vocation College of Hospitality, Wellness and Tourism, Bled, Slovenia:

The need for institutionalzation of forest therapy tourism practices

Darija Cvikl, Ph.D

Croatian Forest Research  Institute, Jastrebarsko, Croatia:

Forest of the Republic of Croatia – Gift and Obligation/ in the past, present and future

Tomislav Dubravec. Ph.D.

University  of Applied Health Science, Zagreb, Croatia:

Forest therapy from evidence based medicine perspective

Izv.prof. dr. sc. mult. Aleksandar Racz, dr.med.spec.

Savjetnik dekana za znanost i istraživanje

Koordinator specijalističkog diplomskog stručnog studija sanitarnog

Glavni urednik Journal of Applied Health Sciences - www.jahs.eu

e-mail: aleksandar.racz@zvu.hr; aracz@zvu.hr

mobilni telefon: 00 385 91 4595 722 / 00 385 91 2334 565

adresa: Zdravstveno veleučilište Zagreb, Mlinarska 38, 10 000 Zagreb,

CROSBI Profil: 14757,

MBZ: 191030

Scopus profile: 35776925200;

ORCID profile:


Prof. Assoc. Aleksandar Racz, Ph.D

principal CEO at Azienda per il Turismo Valsugana-Lagorai, Laghi, Italy :

Forest wellness and sustainability as part of a new tourist offer: The case of Valsugana – Trentino, Italy

Stefano Ravelli

University TESAF-Padova, Italy :

GREEN4C project and results

Prof.Assoc. Laura Secco, Ph.D

Metropolitan University Budapest, Hungary:

Nature and Wellbeing: Implication for Wellness Tourism

Prof. Melanie Kay Smith, Ph.D

Funder of Nature Connections India , Bangalore, India:

Importance of Forest Therapy for Corporate Leaders 

Vaishnavi Viswanathan, Msc


Forest  pathways to soul encounters

Amos Clifford

School of Medicine University of Rijeka - Mindfulness and Forest Therapy

Assoc. Prof. Vanja Vasiljev, Ph.D
Anđelko Topolovec
Ivana Hazulin Pospiš, M.Sc.of history





ùtočīšte sr - mjesto sigurnosti za onoga koji se sklanja od nevolja, opasnosti; pribježište 🏕 Današnji dan slavimo ponosno, iskreno i svjesno, orijentirani na sadašnjost, kako bismo priskrbili bolje mjesto za nas same i generacije koje dolaze. Naš jedini dom, naše najsigurnije utočište. . 💚



//B2B LJUBLJANA Ured Hrvatske turističke zajednice u Ljubljani 27.03. organizirao je B2B meeting za predstavljanje turističkih zajednica hrvatskih županija slovenskim turističkim agencijama. Iako na održanom skupu nije bilo predstavnika TZKZŽ, veliki interes susjeda za područje šumske terapije i šumske kupke privukao je udrugu Snaga šume /Forest Power da predstavi vlastite sadržaje. 🎥 Između ostaloga, predstavili smo Radoboj kao podjedanko interesantnu destinaciju za provođenje šumske kupke, ali i zbog bogatstva vlastitim prirodnim i kulturnim sadržajima. Dvojezični flyer zainteresirao je velik broj posjetitelja te je začeta ideja o organizaciji zajedničkog posjeta turističkih agenata i novinara.🚌 Mnogi su ostali iznenađeni činjenicom da se takav raritet nalazi gotovo nadomak Slovenije, a da se dosad o Radoboju vrlo malo čulo i znalo. Istovremeno smo iskoristili priliku kako bismo najavili ForestFest Radoboj koji će se održati u lipnju, te je tiskan i specijalni flyer na slovenskom jeziku u tu svrhu. Uskoro očekujemo ponovnu objavu na slovenskom portalu PAG koji je namijenjen slovenskim turistima zainteresiranima za Hrvatsku kao turističku destinaciju. 🏞 O samom ForestFestu i drugim sadržajima koje pripremamo, pratite naše stranice u nadolazećem periodu. 😉 . 🌳


Svim prijateljima Snage šume/ Forest Power kao i svim ljubiteljima šuma želimo Sretan Uskrs!


Danas ja Međunarodni dan šume. Uslišimo molitvu šume za njenu obstojnost!


Dok prvi vjesnici proljeća strpljivo iščekuju da izbiju na površinu, naše misli usmjerene su na nove živote, nove radosti i prilike koje nam proljeće donosi. 🌺 Stoga smo za vas odlučili stvoriti jednu zaista dobru priliku - edukaciju o šumskoj terapiji. Prvi dio edukacije održat će se u vikendu 12. - 14. travnja. Smještaj je osiguran u najboljem hrvatskom planinarskom domu - u Radoboju!🌄 Drugi dio edukacije rezerviran je za 11. i 12. svibnja, kada će biti upriličena i dodjela certifikata o pohađanoj edukaciji. Za sve informacije možete nas kontaktirati na mail info@snaga-sume.eu ili u DM. ✉️ Završna misao neka bude: "Učenje je poput veslanja uzvodno, čim se zaustavi, odmah se vraća natrag." – Lao Tzu . 🌳



Dear Jasna, dear Ernest, dear colleagues,

Thank you once again for inviting me to the 1st Croatian Congress on Forest Therapy, which was an excellent event as an organization, on a scientific level, and as an opportunity to meet interesting people with different expertise. I hope I made a small contribution, but I am sure I learned a lot.

With all my best wishes,

M. Z. Karagulle
M. Z. Karagulle

Dear Jasna, dear Ernest,

thank you so much for organizing this outstanding congress with so much sensitivity and competence. It was a very special experience and I wish you all the best with successful follow-ups.

All the best,

Dr. Melanie H. Adamek
Dr. Melanie H. Adamek

Thank you for this innovative congress

about implementing forest therapy in Croatia. I enjoyed meeting lots of interesting people (laymen, researchers) with whom I will stay in contact.

Dr. Gisela Immich
Dr. Gisela Immich

First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Jasna

and the organizing members. During the congress, I got very useful and valuable information and knowledge from presentations and discussions. I talked with many people from medical areas and was impressed with their efforts to implement forest therapy in their field.

Thanks again,

Won Sop Shin
Won Sop Shin

Everything was great

(five star event)!

Dr. prim. Gorana Isailović
Dr. prim. Gorana Isailović

It was a pleasure

to be a part of this great congress!

Dr. Anne Rabes
Dr. Anne Rabes

This has been a wonderful gathering

of leading innovators and researchers in forest therapy – I have learned a great deal and made many new friends – thank you for organizing this!

Amos Clifford
Amos Clifford

The forest hosted and embraced us during the symposium.

We left a part of ourselves in it, and in return received friendship and connection with people who think, feel and breathe as one. they say that life is not measured by the number of breaths, but by the number of moments when you run out of breath - and this was one such moment. 

Circles have been created that will bridge the boundaries that people have invented, and some new light is being born. 

May the Forest be with you 

Aleksandar Racz
Aleksandar Racz
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