--> It is considered valid upon receipt of payment /
--> Smatra se valjanom po primitku uplate
Snaga Šume/Forest Power
Bauerova 5, Zagreb
IBAN: HR1323600001103129435
Zagrebačka banka (ZABA)
E-mail: info@snaga-sume.eu
All bank fees should be borne by the payer – please inform your financial department!
100 € - It includes a full-day program except for art therapy and yoga nidra, for which an announcement is required with a price paid directly to the service provider.
--> It is considered valid upon receipt of payment
100 € - Uključuje cjelodnevni program osim art terapije i yoga nidrae za koje je potrebna najava sa cijenom koja se plaća direktno vršitelju usluge.
--> Smatra se valjanom po primitku uplate