M. Amos Clifford
Founder/CEO, Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs
Title of Presentation
„Way of the Guide and Relation Forest Therapy : Implications for Reserch“
„Način vođenja i relacijska šumska terapija: implikacije za istraživanje“
Amos Clifford is the founder of the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs and author of the best selling Your Guide to Forest Bathing (Conari Press 2018). Amos founded Sky Creek Dharma Center in Chico, California, where he emphasized the importance of meditation practice in wild places. Amos is also widely known for his work in restorative justice. He is founder of the Center for Restorative Process, where he has led the inquiry into how the principles of restorative justice can inform ways to heal the broken relationships between humans and the more-than-human world of nature. Amos holds a BS in Organization Development and an MA in Counseling from the University of San Francisco. Amos has been the primary developer of ANFT's acclaimed training programs.